Bills/Statements, Deposits, Non-Payments, Notices and Disconnects


Algoma Power Inc. (API) customer statements are issued monthly and the current amount owing is due on the date specified on the statement. Any balance forward is due immediately in order to avoid a disruption of service.

See your bill as soon as it's ready—no mailing delays - switch to online billing. Make the switch today

Credit History

An easy way to keep a good credit history is to continually pay the statement balance by the due date indicated. Your credit history can affect any future deposit requirements, not only with API but also with other utilities.


Residential and/or Seasonal Service

In lieu of a deposit, API will accept a letter from another electricity distributor or gas distributor confirming the customer has had good credit history over a span of 12 months within the last two years. Required deposits are billed to the customer account, and can be paid in one lump sum as billed on the first monthly statement; or can be paid in 6 monthly instalments. Deposits are held for 1 year after the final instalment payment is received so long as the credit history is good.

General Service

In lieu of a deposit, API will accept an irrevocable letter of credit. Required deposits can be paid in one lump sum or can be paid in 4 monthly instalments.

General Service <50kW customers - Deposits are held for 3 years after the final instalment payment is received so long as the credit history is good.

General Service >50kW customers - Deposits are held for 7 years after the final instalment payment is received so long as the credit history is good.

Deposit Calculation

How API calculates deposits for customer accounts can be viewed by accessing API’s Conditions of Service.

Deposit Interest Rates

Interest shall accrue quarterly on deposits and will be credited to the customer account. The interest rate shall be at the Prime Business Rate as published on the Bank of Canada website less 2 percent.

Deposit Review Process

API will review every customer’s security deposit at least once in a calendar year to determine if a refund or adjustment is required.

Non-Payments, Notices and Disconnects

Special Arrangements

If you have a special circumstance arise where you will be unable to pay on time, contact the API Customer Service department as soon as you know you have a concern to explore options available. We will discuss the situation with you and determine if a mutually acceptable arrangement may be made to your account.

Reminder Notification

API conducts an extensive notification process in advance of a disconnection to communicate with its customers to help prevent any disruption of service. However, to maintain a good credit rating and ensure uninterrupted service, please make every effort to pay your bill by the due date.

If an account is overdue, API will make a courtesy reminder call seven days after the due date and, if necessary, place a second call 14 days after the due date. If you receive a courtesy call and you have already paid, you may wish to check with API to make sure your payment has reached us; if paid on time, it should have reached us by the time you receive the courtesy call.

If you have not paid the bill, it is important that you contact the API Customer Service department right away to advise of when and how you will be making the payment.

Final Notices

8 days after receiving a courtesy reminder call, the Final Notice for an account with an outstanding balance is mailed out. An overdue account at Final Notice is required to be paid immediately. Please ensure you notify API’s Customer Service department of your payment.

Please note: Paid deposit amounts are applied to accounts prior to a disconnection notice being mailed.

Service Disconnection

If you do not pay your account following immediate receipt of the Final Notice, your service will be disconnected.  Disconnection is an unfortunate but necessary action for overdue accounts and is respectful to all our customers as it lessens the collection impact to rates.

Service Disconnection will occur within the 10-day window defined in the Final Notice.

Where power is disconnected for non-payment, you must ensure the following before power can be restored:

  • the past due amount must be paid in full
  • an Electrical Reconnection Waiver must be completed (included in a package left at your property when disconnected)
  • proof of payment of the past due amount must be received by API 
  • the main breaker must be off at the property in order to restore power
  • a security deposit and a reconnection fee will then be applied to the account.

*Please note: Further detail on all of the above is available within API’s Conditions of Service.