Distributed Energy Resources (DER)

FIT (Feed-In Tariff) Program

Interested in generating electricity? Consider the benefits of generating green energy from renewable sources such as the sun, wind, water or bioenergy.  You can be part of Ontario’s growing green energy movement and contribute to a cleaner environment.

Distributed Energy Resource (DER)

Distributed Energy Resources (DER) include solar panels, combined heat and power plants, energy storage facilities, and natural gas-fuelled generators.  Information on DER connections can be found in the links below:

DERCP - Preliminary Consultation Information Request and Report

DERCP - App C-v Connection Impact Assessment Form

Form C- Micro-Generation Embedded Connection Application

Micro-Generation Embedded Connection Agreement

CIA Fee Schedule

Sample Protection Philosophy for Distributed Energy Resources

API Connection Impact Assessment Study Agreement (Sample)

Customers should contact Algoma Power to determine if there is sufficient generation capacity prior to incurring any significant expenses on a DER project. 

For more information, please contact our Customer Service Department by phone:  705-256-3850 or 1-877-457-7378

The Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) ceased to accept applications under the FIT/MicroFIT program. Existing projects under this program can be maintained until the termination of the IESO Contract.